Someone at the Harvey Norman store in Albury has a dark sense of humour. They put a sign out the front of the shop, which said “No Coronavirus in our mattresses, as ours are Australian made!” The Leftists, as per usual, got their knickers all in a twist, crying “Racism!” and other such nonsense. Geez, […]
A Low Blow for Justin Trudeau [poem]
[A piece of poetry regarding the controversy about Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, who has been in trouble in the media for wearing blackface, in his younger years, on stage and at parties. Photos revealed to date have shown him dressed up as Aladdin (the Arabic fictional character) and as Harry Belafonte (the black […]
Justin Trudeau in blackface drama
Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, is in the news because it has been revealed that, back in his earlier days, he wore blackface performing in theatre and going to parties. Photos reproduced in the mainstream media have shown him dressed up as Aladdin (the Arabic fictional character) at a party, as Harry Belafonte […]
Comedy vs. Cultural Marxism [poem]
[A piece of poetry about the sacking of Shane Gillis from Saturday Night Live over some comments he made about Chinatown and the Chinese during his comedy show. When the reach of Political Correctness extends even into the sphere of humour, it is obvious that this Cultural Marxist method of social oppression has gone too […]
Sacked for having a laugh: Political Correctness and the firing of comedians
The US comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL) has sacked Shane Gillis because of some remarks he made about Chinese people, even though they were said whilst in his humorous persona. It’s not clear if SNL was being deliberately ironic, but in their statement about firing Gillis, they said that part of the reason they […]
Perth’s Nicky Winmar statue
Statue of a shirt lifter The minions of Political Correctness have erected a statue in Perth of Nicky Winmar, the Aboriginal footballer who used to play for the St Kilda Football Club and the Western Bulldogs in the Australian Football League, as well as for South Fremantle in the West Australian Football League. Upon hearing […]
Workers die, whilst gender-balance advocates fiddle
Four workers have died, and one was severely injured, in mining accidents in Queensland, whilst safety oversight was held back because not enough appropriately-qualified women could be found to sit on an oversight committee. Sky News reported that “a safety board was disbanded for six months because it didn’t meet gender quotas”. A journalist on […]
Multiculturalism versus freedom of speech
The political ideology of Multiculturalism is intrinsically tied to the denial of freedom of speech. Whilst this statement may appear to ludicrous to anyone who has gone through twelve years of brainwashing in schools dominated by Multiculturalist teachers, it only appears that way because they haven’t been taught to analyse the ramifications of Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism […]
Deck the Halls with Allahu Akbar
Whilst Christmas carols are being banned in some schools, other schools are telling their children to sing “Allahu Akbar” in a song at their end-of-year “Holiday Concert”. Well, actually, the kiddies are not “their children” — but the little tykes certainly are the recipients of the continuous propaganda being pushed upon them by Multiculturalist teachers, […]
Dear Multiculturalists, You Suck
Can you imagine seeing published, on a mainstream website, an article with the title “Dear Black People, You Suck At [Anything]”? [Insert the name of any subject you like.] It’s not likely, is it? If you wrote an article with such a title, no matter what the subject was, you would immediately be labeled as […]