Some selfish non-whites (mixed race, by appearance) caused a fight in a Woolworths supermarket by loading up an entire trolley with toilet paper, at a time when stocks are running out (due to panic buying, caused by the coronavirus scare). A black woman tussled with them, as they had apparently taken all of the available […]
Hungary fights back against the traitors of Europe
The nation of Hungary has stopped the mass immigration of Muslims into its country — and the bleeding-hearts and Cultural Marxists of the European Union are not happy about it. EU apparatchiks have been vilifying the Hungarian government, accusing them of “imposing restrictions on free media, judges, academics, minorities and rights groups”. The EU has […]
The case of Malka Leifer and sexual abuse inside the ultra-othrodox Adass sub-culture is a sad indictment of Multiculturalism
The insular nature of Adass, an ultra-othrodox Jewish sub-culture, has meant that a plethora of young girls were left vulnerable to sexual abuse. Cultural differences are celebrated by the ideology of Multiculturalism, but what happens when certain cultural practices harm people, or leave them wide-open to harm? The then principal of the Adass Israel School, […]
Multiculturalism versus freedom of speech
The political ideology of Multiculturalism is intrinsically tied to the denial of freedom of speech. Whilst this statement may appear to ludicrous to anyone who has gone through twelve years of brainwashing in schools dominated by Multiculturalist teachers, it only appears that way because they haven’t been taught to analyse the ramifications of Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism […]
Anzac Day: Lest we forget
The 25th of April is Anzac Day, an important date in the calendar of Australian patriotism, which commemorates the landing of the Australian forces at Gallipoli in 1915, as well as being a time to remember the sacrifices of the Australian military in all wars. Lots of people say that they honour the sacrifices of […]
Deck the Halls with Allahu Akbar
Whilst Christmas carols are being banned in some schools, other schools are telling their children to sing “Allahu Akbar” in a song at their end-of-year “Holiday Concert”. Well, actually, the kiddies are not “their children” — but the little tykes certainly are the recipients of the continuous propaganda being pushed upon them by Multiculturalist teachers, […]
Muslim immigration, background checks, and the three agendas
Well, it appears that the official US government background checks on Middle Eastern immigrants are not that effective. No surprise there. US immigration officials carried out a background check on Tashfeen Malik (from Saudi Arabia, although born in Pakistan), the Muslim terrorist who, with her husband (Syed Rizwan Farook, American-born of Pakistani ethnicity), murdered 14 […]
Dear Multiculturalists, You Suck
Can you imagine seeing published, on a mainstream website, an article with the title “Dear Black People, You Suck At [Anything]”? [Insert the name of any subject you like.] It’s not likely, is it? If you wrote an article with such a title, no matter what the subject was, you would immediately be labeled as […]
Are you helping the future of your people?
It is all very well to oppose, in principle, Islamic terrorism; but if you don’t actually do anything to oppose its source in the real world, then you are next to useless. Islamic terrorism is enabled in the West by those who support Multiculturalism and Third World immigration. From those two major factors comes the […]