Some selfish non-whites (mixed race, by appearance) caused a fight in a Woolworths supermarket by loading up an entire trolley with toilet paper, at a time when stocks are running out (due to panic buying, caused by the coronavirus scare). A black woman tussled with them, as they had apparently taken all of the available stock, until staff intervened. In a YouTube video of the incident, the black woman can be heard saying “I just want one pack”.
Indeed, during the coronavirus scare, anecdotal reports have come in regarding Asians in Australia taking much more than their fair share of toilet paper, whilst whites take just one pack each.
This type of selfish behaviour is not uncommon amongst some ethnicities, as they lack a true kinship connection with the nation.
When people are not a part of the nation, when they are not part of the national community, it is far more likely that they will engage in selfish and anti-social behaviour.
Similar scenes have been witnessed in Australia whereby hordes of Asians descend on a supermarket to grab all of its (limited) baby formula stock, to send over to China, without any care whatsoever for the Australian mothers who need that product for their babies.
Professor Robert D. Putnam, a leading political scientist at Harvard University (and a multiculturalist), produced a study which showed that when societies become increasingly diverse, they also become increasingly distrustful.
Putnam said “They don’t trust the local mayor, they don’t trust the local paper, they don’t trust other people and they don’t trust institutions. The only thing there’s more of is protest marches and TV watching.”
The study carried out by Putnam showed that lack of trust caused by ethnic diversity doesn’t only extend to foreigners, but also causes a lack of trust within the main population — thus it is shown that ethnic diversity damages the overall social fabric of society.
Putnam wrote that people in diverse societies tend to “distrust their neighbors, regardless of the color of their skin, to withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more but have less faith that they can actually make a difference, and to huddle unhappily in front of the television.”
In an article about Putnam’s research, Michael Jonas wrote “The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.”
Dr. Gerfried Ambrosch says “A lack of shared values diminishes trust, reducing social capital (the real source of wealth), weakening the social fabric and further isolating immigrant communities.”
Whilst a minor fight over toilet paper is hardly an earth-shattering incident, it is indicative of the lack of social cohesion caused by a country being afflicted with ethnic diversity and Multiculturalism.
A diverse society is not a cohesive society.
James Hall, Violent fight breaks out at Woolies as toilet paper panic buying escalates,, 7 March 2020
Woolworths toilet paper fight 07/03/2020, Australian firespotter (on YouTube), 6 March 2020 [presumably the difference in dates is due to international time zones; see 0.35 min.]
John Lloyd, Study paints bleak picture of ethnic diversity, The Financial Times, 9 October 2006
Douglas Todd, Ethnic diversity’s ‘inconvenient truths’, Vancouver Sun, 9 February 2014
Michael Jonas, The downside of diversity, (The Boston Globe), 5 August 2007
Gerfried Ambrosch, Making sense of immigration: Why Multiculturalism is at odds with integration,
Further reading:
Michael Parks, Implications of “The Selfish Gene” on Multiculturalism, LinkedIn, 11 January 2017
Political scientist: Does diversity really work?, NPR, 15 August 2007 [Michel Martin interviews Robert Putnam]
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