There is an interesting documentary, made by journalist Steven Edginton for The Telegraph (London), called “Canada’s woke nightmare”. It is well worth watching, as it delves into some of the realities of living in modern Canada, which is now run by Cultural Marxists. Steven Edginton and The Telegraph are to be congratulated on this production, […]
Changing Canada [poem]
[A piece of poetry about modern Canada, which is now run by Cultural Marxists.] Canada is truly a great country to see — With its eastern moose, and the red maple tree; You can go skating upon the ice rinks, Go out hunting for bear, bobcat, or lynx, Or even go fishing for a great […]
A Low Blow for Justin Trudeau [poem]
[A piece of poetry regarding the controversy about Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, who has been in trouble in the media for wearing blackface, in his younger years, on stage and at parties. Photos revealed to date have shown him dressed up as Aladdin (the Arabic fictional character) and as Harry Belafonte (the black […]
Justin Trudeau in blackface drama
Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, is in the news because it has been revealed that, back in his earlier days, he wore blackface performing in theatre and going to parties. Photos reproduced in the mainstream media have shown him dressed up as Aladdin (the Arabic fictional character) at a party, as Harry Belafonte […]