[Dawn Butler, the British Labour Party’s Shadow Women & Equalities Secretary, gave a speech to the 2019 Labour Conference, in which she said “Black history is British history”, implying that blacks are part and parcel of the British nation (just to be a bit uncouth, she threw in some swearing as well). Her claim fits […]
Taylor Swift, just another rich anti-Western Leftist loony
Taylor Swift, the world-famous American singer, has been dipping her toes into political waters in recent times. Swift has many fans in the homosexual and transgender sub-cultures — and she feels a deep connection with such people. In 2018 Swift urged voters not to support Marsha Blackburn (Republican Party) in the Senate election, attacking Blackburn […]
Media propaganda in films and on television
It is a common occurrence for movies to contain a “social message”, whereby those involved in the film industry push their own opinions and beliefs upon a mostly unsuspecting public. However, at what point does an avalanche of “social messages” become “social propaganda”? In fact, every “social message” movie can be seen as a propaganda […]
Doctor Who companions used for propaganda purposes
[Coincidence or propaganda? A look at the propaganda behind the show’s allocation of relationships for the new Doctor Who companions.] The 21st century version of the “Doctor Who” television show is an amazing example of multiracialist propaganda. As with the later 20th century version of “Doctor Who”, the good Doctor usually has a female companion. […]