The National Public Radio site has published an interview with Leslie Miley, a Black software engineer, in which they talk about “the glaring lack of diversity in Silicon Valley’s tech industry”.
Miley whines about lack of “diversity” at the Twitter company. But, reading between the lines, it sounds more like a call for Twitter to be racist against White people, by hiring non-White people because of the colour of their skin.
He tried to get Twitter to create a position of “Diversity Engineering Manager”, and then whined because they didn’t waste their money on his sanctimonious liberal claptrap.
Liberals push Political Correctness under the guise of anti-racism and tolerance, when what they are really pushing is racism and intolerance against White people.
If you really want to know what Politically Correct people are up to, just turn their key phrases around and you might get a better idea of what their agenda really is.
Political Correctness is all very Orwellian, with its language of “doublespeak”.
PC people should not be trusted; at the very least, keep a watchful eye on what they’re up to.
Here are some PC code words, and their translations:
anti-racism = anti-White racism
diversity (as in “this city/country/workplace needs more diversity”) = bring in more non-Whites (this place is too White, and we don’t want White people to be a majority anywhere)
inclusive (as in “this group/university/workplace needs to be more inclusive”) = bring in more non-Whites (this place is too White, and we don’t want White people to be a majority anywhere)
tolerance = intolerance of White people, particularly conservatives
Karen Grigsby Bates, Q&A with the Black Twitter engineer who left over diversity problems, NPR, 2 December 2015
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