Killed By Cops [poem]

White policeman Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of George Floyd

White policeman Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of George Floyd

Lots of police are good people,
The majority of them are great;
But too many cops are bastards,
And petty tyrants of the state

They become so ego-driven,
Lacking a balance or a check;
They’ll initiate some violence,
And put a knee upon your neck

Justine Damond called the cops,
When she saw a prowler nut;
A black policeman came along
And then he shot her in the gut

Tony Timpa rang for help,
Feeling bad inside his head;
Police knelt hard upon his back,
Until he was finally dead

Nick Dyksma was on drugs,
And he got himself in strife;
A copper knelt upon his neck,
Ending a young man’s life

A headline in the media about the death of Tony Timpa

A headline in the media about the death of Tony Timpa

If someone is killed by police,
The Left will come out strong;
Unless, of course, you’re white —
As they think your race is wrong

* * * * * * *

George Floyd was a suspect,
Killed by a cop, who was white;
The Left went on a rampage
And looted through the night

* * * * * * *

When whites are killed by cops,
The Left’s response is slack —
As they only care about you
… If your skin is black!

Relevant reading:
The death of George Floyd demonstrates the inherent anti-white racism of the Left and the mainstream media, Western Loyalist, 17 July 2020

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