The Fake President and His Supporters [poem]

[A piece of poetry about the fake President, Joe Biden, who gained office due to Leftist electoral corruption.]

Creepy old Joe Biden, the President Fake,
Is a clear example of what corruption does make

They stole the election — dirty tricks were galore,
Corrupting the process, and changing the score

They lack decent morals, they have no shame;
Any means to an end is the way of their game

These people are evil, they can never be trusted;
Onto the Deep State they’re permanently rusted

So, just keep on fighting the good fight, forever —
As those people are more evil, than they are clever

They peddle their lies, with many a whopper,
But never you mind, for they’ll soon come a cropper

“He’s not a fake!”, his supporters they thundered;
But ignore those liars, as their days are now numbered

Creepy Joe is so old, that his brain’s in stagnation;
Soon he’ll be gone, and we’ll win back the nation!

Relevant reading:
Is Joe Biden unfit for office?, Western Loyalist, 31 March 2021

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