You have to wonder if Facebook would accept advertising for “Straight Pride” and “White Pride” rallies. Probably not.
Having never heard of Joy FM before, it required a quick trip to Google to find out what they were about (because their Facebook page looked very dodgy).
It didn’t take too long at all to discover that Joy FM is described on Wikipedia as “Australia’s first and only LGBTQI+ community radio station”.
Ahhh, it all makes sense now, as “joyous” is a synonym for “gay” — and with that word being misused as a name for homosexuals, the radio station’s real name is “Homo FM”. Come to think of it, that’s not being very inclusive of the rest of the LGBT-QWERTY menagerie, is it? Maybe the homos are the main movers and shakers over at Homo FM.
The motto of the Joy radio station is “Out. Loud. Proud.” — it’s not quite clear what that means exactly; perhaps it refers to those people being “Out of their tiny minds”, “Loud and annoying”, “Proud of being perverted degenerates”? Well, with no explanation from Homo FM, people would have to make their own assumptions.
From all the banning of patriotic and conservative accounts that’s been going on over at Facebook and Twitter, it should be fairly clear to most people that the Silicon Valley giants are heavily staffed with Leftists who are pushing their own political and social agendas. Such people would be rapt to be widely advertising the homosexual and transgender movements.
It’s high time that all normal people starting moving away from social media’s Cultural Marxist bastions, and instead try out the up-and-coming alternative social media outlets, like Gab and VK.
Leave the Homos and the Trannies behind you. Forget about the rabid Leftists, anarchists, and neo-communists. Avoid the toxicity and bullying that underlies Political Correctness. Get away from the censorship of Facebook and Twitter.
If you don’t want to be a part of the globohomo agenda, then get on over to places where the tuned-in people are.
It’s a real joy to be amongst decent people on the internet for a change (pun intended). So, make the move to Gab and VK, and join up with a better class of people. Both of those social media platforms are free to join and use. Do it now — you know you want to.
Don’t be pathetic or gay,
Join up with VK.Don’t be homo and “fab”,
Move on over to Gab.
We were privileged to attend Temple Beth Israel’s Pride Shabbat last week, The Informer on JOY 94.9 (Facebook post)
The Informer on JOY 94.9 [Facebook page]
Pride Shabbat – what it means to the community, JOY 94.9, 6 February 2020
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