[In this chapter from his book, I Remember, Jack Lang gives a brief history of the White Australia Policy, relates how the British government interfered with local attempts to keep the hordes of coloured immigrants from flooding into Australia, and praises the policies that established a White Australia. Lang was the Premier of New South […]
White Australia saved Australia, by Jack Lang
Filed Under: famous Australians, mainpage texts, White Australia · Tagged: Jack Lang (author), White Australia policy
Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood speech”

[Enoch Powell delivered his most famous speech on the 20th of April 1968, at a meeting of the Conservative Association in Birmingham. Powell outlined the concerns of many British people over the future of their country. Although he did not mention the phrase “rivers of blood”, his speech included the sentence “As I look ahead, […]
Filed Under: famous Britons, Great Britain, mainpage texts · Tagged: Enoch Powell (author), Great Britain, speeches