British jobs for British workers [by John Bean]

[The Liberal, Labor, and Conservative parties in the UK have betrayed the British working class.]

By John Bean, 24 March 2009

John Bean: A True NationalistThe BNP belief that the so-called differences offered by the established party triumvirate is a myth has again been justified in their attitude to the recent British workers’ wildcat strikes in an attempt to protect British jobs from unfair foreign competition. The Lib-Lab-Con has unanimously warned our workforce that they must not be xenophobic and that the very concept of protectionism in relation to jobs is an evil that “plays into the hands of the BNP.” They tell us that global action is the only way out of the economic disaster facing us, yet it is globalism itself that caused it. It is globalism that has seen 250,000 Britons lose their jobs in the last three months — bringing a total in excess of 2 million unemployed — while 200,000 immigrants have come in to take most of the remaining jobs.

Like the majority of the strikers at Total’s Lindsey oil refinery, where the wildcat strikes first began, the BNP has nothing against fellow Europeans such as Italians, Portuguese or Poles, but it is through EU rules that we have seen the influx of European welders and pipefitters to take jobs that have been refused to British unemployed refinery workers with years of experience. It should be noted, however, that more than 151,000 people from outside the EU were given permission to work in Britain last year. That was a 17% increase on the 140,000 handed out during the whole of 2007. Indians were the largest recipients of work permits at almost 50,000.

The Daily Telegraph recently reported that almost all the growth in new jobs over the past seven years could be accounted for by immigrants. There were 1.34 million more people in work than in 2001 but the number of British-born workers fell by 62,000 over the same period. It also emerged in January that there were at least 170,000 more migrant workers than official figures suggest because of undercounting in the employment statistics.

Since Lindsey and the supportive wildcat strikes that took place elsewhere, including Scotland and Wales, there has been the abrupt dismissal of 800 agency workers at BMW’s Mini production plant at Cowley. There is also growing resentment at Cammell Laird’s Birkenhead shipyard, where ship fitting contractor Trimline is bussing in Polish workers for work on a Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel.

What do the established trade unions say about all this? Their response has been to conform to New Labour’s globalist doctrine. The Unite union sold the workers a pup when they got the strikers to return to work because the union had got the Total management at Lindsey to allocate 102 jobs to local British workers. The fact is that these 102 jobs were already secure and the management had expected that they would have to allocate as much as 700 jobs to locals!

The BNP and the independent new trade union Solidarity have been very active in supporting the wildcat strikers. As Scottish Herald writer Ian MacWhirter wrote in his paper on February 2: “In the 1930s, the Jarrow Crusade marched on London to demand work; now in 2009, they will be marching to demand foreigners are sent home. The British National Party is finally in from the cold — inheritor of the great tradition of British industrial militancy.”

From the “Nationalist Notebook” column, by John Bean, in the 100th edition of the BNP magazine, Identity. Published on the website of the British National Party.

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