Boris Johnson, newly-appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, appears to be doing the hard yards to make sure that Brexit occurs — and rightly so, as the people of Britain democratically voted to remove themselves from the European Union.
The advent of Brexit is correctly seen as taking a step away from the internationalisation that is being encouraged by the Globalist elite, which is why we have been seeing so many Globalists, Leftists, and Multiculturalists at the forefront of the Remain campaign, as they recognise that the organised internationalism of the EU can only be a good thing for their eventual goal of a One World State.
However, it would behoove the nationalists of Britain not to become too enamoured of Boris Johnson, as he has shown himself to be a supporter of a multiracial UK. There has been talk of him using a “points system” for immigration, as Australia has done — however, as the Australian experience has shown, such a system can be easily manipulated to bring in hordes of Third Worlders (by giving extra points for “family reunion” migration, for example).
Boris has already spoken of his desire to have an immigration amnesty in Great Britain, effectively giving citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants — which is certainly one way to make Britain more multiracial and less “Great”.
His commitment to multiracialism was, no doubt, one of the reasons that he was so strongly opposed to the British National Party.
In past years, Johnson has been known for his politically incorrect statements. However, patriots should not confuse his rough-edged utterances with any form of racial loyalty. The somewhat old-style conservatives, who display their rough edges in this brave new world of Political Correctness and Social Justice Warriors, may chafe at being told to be politically correct, but that doesn’t mean that they are racial loyalists.
Indeed, various rough-edge Civic Patriot conservatives are known to be anti-immigration and anti-Leftist, whilst also supporting gradualist multiracialism, sometimes encouraged by their non-white wives. To take an Australian example, it has long been a source of amazement just how many One Nation candidates have been found to have Asian, Arab, or African wives — perhaps giving support to patriot groups is how many of these multiracialist Civic Patriots justify themselves; maybe it enables them to deal with their racial treason, and thus helps them to sleep at night.
One could assume that a factor in Boris Johnson being a multiracialist is the fact that he is part Turkish. His great-grandfather was Ali Kemal, a Muslim who was a Turkish diplomat (perhaps that’s where Boris gets his big nose from). When he was Mayor of London, Boris Johnson appeared on the BBC TV show “Who Do You Think You Are”, where his Turkish ancestry was explored. As the BBC said, “Boris’s great-great-grandmother, Margaret Johnson, changed the family surname forever. Had she not, the current Mayor of London would be Boris Kemal!”The Middle East, being at the cross-roads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, is somewhat of a mixed-race melting-pot, with some parts of the Middle East traditionally containing pockets of quite white-looking people — some ethnologists say that, in ancient times, much of North Africa and the Middle East was racially white, although in later times the area also received a large infusion of European genes when the Muslims enslaved millions of people from Eastern Europe. Therefore, instead of being 1/8th non-white, Boris may be, for example, 1/16th or 1/32nd non-white (for those who are interested in those sort of racial calculations).
Some purist nationalists may dismiss Boris under the “one drop rule” — under which it is considered that anyone with even just one drop of non-white blood in their veins should be considered as non-white; whilst some pragmatic nationalists may take a more open approach — for example, “if they look white, then they are white”; whereas some may take a somewhat middle ground — for instance, accepting the “white” racial bona fides of people after several generations — if they have a Biblical inclination, some may take their cue from Deuteronomy 5:9, “for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation” (see also Exodus 20:5 and 34:7), or from Deuteronomy 23:2, “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord” (see also Deuteronomy 23:3).
Although purity of product is considered best in most human situations, there may be some marginal acceptance or leeway (e.g. there is a regulatory acceptance of cow’s milk being minutely contaminated with infinitesimal specks of dust and bovine mucous). Indeed, the white race has a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA (as do Asians), so the race is not entirely pure anyway — but that doesn’t mean that one should throw the baby out with the bath water; whilst the extent of “white purity” desired will, no doubt, vary in nationalist circles, it is generally a peripheral discussion.
Whilst Boris Johnson appears to be white*, what matters more — in political terms — is how he perceives himself. If he considers himself to be white, then it is possible that, like Winston Churchill (rumoured to be part American Indian, from his mother’s side), he could support a white Britain; however, if Boris thinks of himself as non-white, then he may feel that he owes no racial loyalty to a white Britain whatsoever.He certainly could not be considered a racial loyalist, having married a mixed-race Indian woman (Marina Wheeler, daughter of Charles Wheeler and Dip Singh), with whom he had four children (prior to their separation in 2018).
Boris Johnson should be a poster-boy for multiculturalism, what with having Christian, Jewish, and Muslim ancestors, as well as having part-Indian children. His paternal great-grandfather was a Turkish Muslim (Ali Kemal) and his maternal great-grandfather was a Russian Jew (Elias Avery Lowe), whilst Boris himself was brought up in a Christian household. It would be little wonder if Boris has a very mixed self-identity.
Following on from his Jewish ancestry, Boris said “I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out. When I suddenly get a whiff of anti-Semitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.” If he feels somewhat Jewish because he has a Jewish great-grandfather, then does that mean he “feels somewhat Muslim” because he has a Muslim great-grandfather as well?Considering that Boris was born in the USA, and therefore being born as an American, some may wonder if his birthplace has also impacted upon his self-identity, and has perhaps negatively affected any attachment he may feel for Britain.
In a press statement released after he attended the Sri Sabha Singh Guru Temple in Ealing Southall to help commemorate the Sikh New Year festival of Vaisakhi, Boris boasted about his wife being half-Sikh, and said “the drive and determination of London’s Sikhs is a perfect illustration of how London’s communities can contribute to the character of our capital … London is a fantastically diverse city”. As the saying goes, “Diversity is code for anti-white”.
One only has to look at Johnson’s cabinet appointments to obtain an idea of who he wants to be in charge of the country. He has appointed 32 members to his cabinet, six of whom are non-white — two of which were given top-ranking positions; the ancestry of four of them track back to the Indian subcontinent (from India and Pakistan) — he seems to have a thing for Indians.
From the fact that Boris has given non-whites six cabinet positions out of the 32 in his governing body, which is almost 20% (18.75), we can easily glean what sort of a future he’s got planned for Britain:
Sajid Javid (Pakistani; Chancellor of the Exchequer)
Priti Patel (Ugandan-Indian; Secretary of State for the Home Department)
Alok Sharma (Indian; Secretary of State for International Development)
James Cleverly (mixed-race West African; Minister without Portfolio)
Rishi Sunak (Indian; Chief Secretary to the Treasury)
Kwasi Kwarteng (West African; Minister of State for Energy)
Boris may be, or may not be, the best choice for Prime Minister out of the current Establishment’s candidates; however, that’s like choosing the least dire disease out of cholera, ebola, and the black death (although, it is quite possible that someone like Jacob Rees-Mogg might have been more worthy of the position). Whilst a much better choice for Prime Minister would have been a racial loyalist candidate from Britain First, the British National Party, or the National Front, the sad fact is that, with the anti-nationalist media dominating the public dialogue about valid political choices, any nationalist candidate would have a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected to parliament, let alone becoming PM.
It would be fair to say that Boris Johnson is a multiracialist who is in favour of having a multiracialist Britain. So, by all means, as far as Brexit goes, patriots should support him in his bid to extract the UK from the EU, but they should place no faith in him at all when it comes to the racial survival of their nation.
In the short-term, the new Prime Minister may help the United Kingdom in various ways (e.g. ensuring Brexit goes ahead, rolling back some Political Correctness, and combatting Leftist influence); but, in the long-term, Boris Johnson, just like any other Establishment candidate, will be bad for Britain.
Bethan Staton and Robert Wright, Boris Johnson eyes Australia-style immigration system, Financial Times, 26 July 2019
Jenn Selby, How the Australia-style immigration system proposed by Boris Johnson would work for the UK, according to experts, iNews, 30 July 2019
Margaret Burton, Boris Johnson: what lies ahead for immigration?, EY, [August 2019]
Sertan Sanderson, From ‘Zero Tolerance’ to ‘Amnesty’: Boris Johnson’s vision for UK immigration post-Brexit, InfoMigrants, 30 August 2019
Oli Dugmore, Boris Johnson says he supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, Joe, [August 2019]
Hélène Mulholland, Matthew Taylor and Rachel Williams, Johnson intervenes to block BNP leader from attending Queen’s garden party, The Guardian, 22 May 2009
Adam Bienkov, Boris Johnson called gay men ‘tank-topped bumboys’ and black people ‘piccaninnies’ with ‘watermelon smiles’, Business Insider, 12 June 2019 [non-PC comments]
Stephanie Busari, ‘Watermelon smiles’ and ‘piccaninnies’: What Boris Johnson has said previously about people in Africa, CNN, 24 July 2019
Pippa Crerar, I didn’t mean to be racist , claims Boris, Evening Standard 22 January 2008
Boris Johnson, Wikipedia
Ali Kemal, Wikipedia
Alex Nelson, Boris Johnson has a Muslim great-grandfather from Turkey – here’s who he was, iNews, 24 June 2019
Boris Johnson – how we did it, BBC (“Who Do You Think You Are” TV show)
Ali Kucukgocmen, Turks welcome ‘Ottoman grandson’ Boris Johnson as British leader, Reuters, 24 July 2019
Andrew Wilks, The village of the blond ones: inside Boris Johnson’s Turkish homeland, The National, 16 July 2019
Murat Sofuoglu, Does Boris Johnson’s politics resonate with his Turkish ancestor’s?, TRT World, 1 Aug 2019
Marina Wheeler, Wikipedia
Cnaan Liphshiz, 5 Jewish things to know about Boris Johnson, Times of Israel, 24 July 2019
Erasmus, Boris Johnson’s confusing and contradictory religious history, The Economist, 27 July 2019 [Johnson’s Muslim and Jewish roots; antipathy to early Christians]
Boris celebrates Vaisakhi in Southall, Back Boris, 6 April 2008 [archived]
Johnson ministry, Wikipedia
Sajid Javid, Wikipedia
Priti Patel, Wikipedia
Alok Sharma, Wikipedia
James Cleverly, Wikipedia
Rishi Sunak, Wikipedia
Kwasi Kwarteng, Wikipedia
Boris Johnson’s new Cabinet includes Infosys founder’s son-in-law among three Indian-origin faces, The Hindu, 25 July 2019
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