By Andrew Phillips, 14th April 2007
Lest anyone get the wrong idea from this article, let me make it absolutely clear there is no link between the Australian Protectionists and the organisation known as the British Australian Community (B.A.C.).
The BAC is an organisation based on cultural pursuits and seeks to accommodate the needs of “newly arrived” British migrants and those who have an interest in the British Heritage of our nation. It is entirely non-aligned with ANY political organisation, as is correct practice.
Regardless of this fact, credit where credit is due.
The leadership of BAC has been made aware of the fact that the internet-based “YouTube” has been providing a forum for an African-American to call for the extermination of all white people, world-wide.
The BAC has lodged an official complaint against YouTube for allowing it-s facility to be used to incite racial violence and genocide.
The video which can be viewed at YouTube shows the speaker, Kamau Kambon, giving his profound solution to all the world’s problems.
“The one idea is how we are going to exterminate white people, because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off of (sic) the face of the planet to solve this problem”.
The speaker then says that his audience will have to get “very serious” about this incitement to genocide.
In their complaint to YouTube, the BAC alerted the company to it’s own Terms of Use which forbids any incitement to threatening, harassing and hateful content as well as it’s contravention of that laughable entity the United Nation’s Genocide Convention.
Those of us who are Australian Protectionists applaud the diligence of the BAC for detecting the dissemination of such vile propaganda and wish them well in their campaign to have this trash removed.
The sentiments expressed by the poor, oppressed, glory seeking genocidal maniac merely prove one thing — multiculturalism does not work. Only recently here in Australia have reports arisen that Moslem extremists have been recruiting amongst Australia’s so called “Somali refugee community” to swell the ranks of the faithful jihadists.
These “poor Africans” who apparently fled their homeland through fear and a desire for a peaceful life have few qualms about returning to their homeland and picking up the gun again for a bit of butchering for ol’ times sake. Reports also indicate many of those recruited for some reason are remaining here in Australia — perhaps for a bit of home-grown jihad?
This whole issue raises grave concerns about our nation’s whole approach to immigration. First, it would appear our immigration department is NOT screening refugees with enough diligence. It would also seem that many of the so-called refugees we have dumped on our shores have a change of heart regarding the level of danger they face in their homeland once they come into contact with some lunatic firebrand from their own culture.
This exposes them for what they really are — economic refugees, shopping around for a better lifestyle with no love for or commitment to their host country. Why should they? It’s not their land, their culture or their society…..
During the post-colonial era, whites were getting booted out of lands they’d developed all over the world as “national awareness” was fostered amongst the populations of Africa, Asia and the sub-continent. This growing awareness of national identity and self-determination was applauded around the Western world and met with great approval.
Isn’t it odd that when Europeans and their descendants join the growing tide of national awareness, it suddenly becomes “racism”?
[Note: The YouTube video ( which was linked to in the original article is no longer available on the internet.]
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