Water trading unconstitutional threat to nation [by Andrew Phillips]

By Andrew Phillips, 15th October 2006

All Australians should be concerned regarding the use of our nation’s water resources, particularly in times of drought, Australian Protectionists are no different in this regard.

However, a sinister trend is raising its ugly head behind the guise of conservation (along with the teeming unwashed masses of rampant Greenies one unfortunately finds attaching themselves like hungry leeches to such issues).

Water is not an unlimited resource and must be managed sensibly to ensure long term supply and the economic survival of our nation’s food producers. What is of concern is the ridiculous claim by self-satisfied millionaires that the price of our nation’s water must double to curb usage. When questioned about the effect this would have on Australia’s primary sector, the claim was made that most of Australia’s farmers are making $50,000 per hectare and most would not begrudge paying double for their water when they are making that kind of income.

If you’re not falling about laughing or tripping up on your own jaw in disbelief at this statement, then one can only assume there are gullible people in their thousands rushing off to their local land agents to snap up the many farms on offer in order to make an unbelievable income simply by sowing some grain or letting their “moo cows” chomp some grass.

Many would be aware of the current trend towards the trading of “water rights” following the agreement between the States and the Commonwealth Government.

Since the signing of this agreement, the media has made much about the need for us all to tighten our belts regarding water usage and until this year the talking heads have waxed lyrical about how much water South Aussies have saved just by being more conservative in our use.

The poor rains received by our state have caused the urban centric media to start squealing like piglets with calls made for irrigators to lose water rights to ensure adequate supplies for city dwellers. Self-righteous indignation spouts forth from our mainstream media throwing around figures like “75% of our water is used by farmers with the rest divided by city dwellers and industry”.

While treating our farmers like some greedy private enterprise, these urban centric wannabe intelligentsia seem to overlook the fact that these farmers are using the water to actually put food on their suburban tables along with attempting to produce an exportable commodity to try to balance the trade deficit accumulated by the rest of us rushing off to retail sales and buying cheap Asian made goods.

Putting the bloody-minded internationalist drivel peddled by our media editors aside, one is drawn to question the motivation on the part of our nation’s politicians in regards to the population vs. water resources issue.

Parties on both sides of the political spectrum (neither of which serves the national interest) push for increasing population levels in our fragile continent. In a headlong rush to submerge our nation in the global village and reassuring us that more people makes for greater prosperity (India and China are marvellous examples of this rationalist claptrap), these so-called representatives continue the push to flood the country with an increasing stream of immigrants and illegal “refugees”.

To accommodate these people, our primary producers are asked to forgo the water needed to actually produce the food needed to nourish this increasing population.

Clearly, the end result of such lunacy is the annihilation of our nation’s farmers, with a largely urban population consisting of an increasing number of Third World immigrants all performing their allotted task of acting as cheap compliant labor and consuming a considerable amount of imported food produced by the Third World (under dubious conditions) producers with the internationalist cartels and processors making huge profits.

The attempt to strip our nation’s farmers of their water rights is unconstitutional. Section 100 of the Australian Constitution guarantees the right to water by all Australians — unimpeded. “Nor abridge the right to use water. The Commonwealth shall not, by ANY law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation”.

The governments of Australia can only remove this constitutional right to water by means of a national referendum in accordance with section 128 of our constitution.

The recent agreement between the states and the Commonwealth government have clearly been used to facilitate the trading of water “rights” and in turn make water a marketable commodity in an open trading marketplace.

Considering the ramifications following the “opening of the market” for electricity etc. here in South Australia and the entry into our power production of companies owned by Communist China (with elderly Australians not being able to afford basic heating and lighting for their homes) one can only shudder at the results should such “people” be permitted to get their hands on our nation’s water and in turn the pricing……..

It is indeed a matter of life and death for the nation. An issue of national survival.

One need not look to our politicians for an answer. Witness the declaration by Acting Administrative Services Minister John Hill ruling out a desalination plant for Adelaide.

Mr. Hill believes that recycling water will have Adelaide in a secure position by 2020 and the Labor Government is at least looking proactive by “considering” a desalination plant for Port Augusta as that will “take some pressure off the Murray”.

It is not in the national interest for internationalist politicians to be dragging their heels on this issue and using our nation’s farmers as scapegoats. We do not have the luxury of 13 years to listen to self-satisfied pollies who claim to be doing something while kicking our farmers into the dust.

It is in the national interest to begin building desalination plants to supply all our urban areas and leave our primary producers to do what they do best. Rather than spending our taxes on pandering to minority interests, hosting depraved sexual pride festivals, feeding the divisive policy of multiculturalism and a myriad of other hobbies pursued by left wing New World Order adherents (including the millions we give to Third World dictators in every corner of the globe), our politicians would serve us better by funding better methods of water harvesting and recycling.

Now is the time for the government to indeed put our nation first and meet the national interest and ensure our survival and the continuation of the standard of living we have come to enjoy.

Build the desalination plants. Fund the introduction of water tanks into every home. Increase the infrastructure needed to catch and recycle all storm-water and facilitate the ability to store water run off underground.

Responsible management of our nation’s taxes should adequately provide for all these measures — but who is willing to bet that those on our parliamentary benches prefer to take the easy option of bashing our farmers, opening our water up for speculative trading (and all the horrendous price rises one can expect) and channeling our taxes to all the ridiculous grants given to vested interests ensuring their continued re-election every 3 years?

In regards to the pressures placed upon our nation’s Primary Producers by general circumstances, political indifference and issues such as those listed above, please bear in mind it is estimated that one farmer takes his own life every four days.

A national disgrace.

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