[Several short speeches or comments made by Nick Griffin in the European Parliament.]
Debates: Wednesday, 15 January 2014 – Strasbourg
5. Programme of activities of the Greek Presidency (debate)
Nick Griffin (NI). – Madam President, Prime Minister, 2014 is supposed to be the year of democracy in Europe, but what kind of democracy tears up its own constitution, bans demonstrations to prove the people are happy, sends machine gun-toting storm-troopers to arrest democratically elected MPs and imprisons opponents without trial when they cannot disprove hearsay allegations made against them by police informers?
Totalitarians like you always justify such attacks on freedom with propaganda lies about criminal association but, Mr Samaras, your bankers’ occupation government – now busy helping your masters loot Greece – are the real criminals. You are the heir of the communists who refused to fight when your country was invaded by Mussolini, when Metaxas said ‘no’ and fought foreign occupation and exploitation – which is of course the real crime of its modern political descendants, Golden Dawn.1
Debates: Wednesday, 23 October 2013 – Strasbourg
17. Detention of Greenpeace activists in Russia (debate)
Nick Griffin (NI). – Mr President, there is all this fuss over the activities of an unelected pressure group which was warned in advance not to invade the waters of a sovereign nation and break legitimate laws. No Russian citizen has ever voted for Greenpeace. They have no democratic mandate whatsoever.
So imagine how much bigger the fuss would be if Russia launched a totally illegal assault on a legitimately-elected political party. Imagine if the Russian Government were to use the excuse of waves of lies from a controlled mass media to arrest the leaders of the opposition. Imagine if President Putin were to tear up the constitutional rights of democratically-elected parliamentarians and spit in the face of a growing body of opinion of up to 20% of voters. We would never hear the end of it, and rightly so.
But when these things happen in Greece, you hypocrites either say nothing or actively applaud the repression. No one ever voted for Greenpeace, but half a million Greek voters have been disenfranchised by the attempted murder of Golden Dawn at the behest of EU bureaucrats, German bankers and Zionist gangsters. This looters’ coup against the Greek people by the puppets of the privatisation criminals is a thousand times more important than this artificial hysteria on behalf of an unelected, unrepresentative group of watermelon-green cranks.
(Murmurs of dissent)
You do not like the truth, do you? You really should stop lecturing Russia about a speck of dust in her eye when you have a large, splintered beam in your own.2
Debates: Wednesday, 12 March 2014 – Strasbourg
14. Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund (general provisions) – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – Internal Security Fund (Police cooperation, preventing and combating crime and crisis management) – Internal Security Fund (External borders and visas) (debate)
Nick Griffin (NI). – Mr President, when the godfather of the European Union, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, published the plan for a united Europe and the ethnocide of the peoples of Europe, the encouragement of mass non-white immigration was central to the plot. Since then, an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists and Zionist supremacists has schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our homelands.
As indigenous resistance to this human genetic-modification industry grows, the criminal elite seeks new ways to camouflage their project. First, their immigrant pawns were temporary guest workers; then it was a multiracial experiment; then they were refugees, and then the answer to a shrinking population. Different excuses, different lies – and asylum is just another one. But the real aim stays the same: the biggest genocide in human history, the final solution to the Christian European problem. This crime demands a new set of Nuremberg trials, and you people will be in the dock.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))3
Debates: Wednesday, 12 March 2014 – Strasbourg
14. Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund (general provisions) – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – Internal Security Fund (Police cooperation, preventing and combating crime and crisis management) – Internal Security Fund (External borders and visas) (debate)
Nick Griffin (NI), blue-card answer. – It is you who are shouting because, obviously, the truth hurts.
Yes, I will be seeking re-election. Yes, I hope to return here to speak up for the indigenous Europeans which the founder of this place has deliberately set out to wipe out – because that is a crime. I am telling the truth.
I have a constructive suggestion to help those poor asylum seekers from Africa. Yes, make it clear they cannot come here so they do not try to cross the sea and drown in huge numbers. The best way for them is to get the banks off the backs of their countries so that they can live in peace in their countries and we Europeans can live in peace in ours.4
Debates: Thursday, 3 April 2014 – Brussels
4. Main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy and the common security and defence policy (Article 36 TEU) – EU comprehensive approach and coherence of EU external action (debate)
Nick Griffin (NI ). – Mr President, what is the main aspect of EU foreign policy? To help the USA meddle around the world in places that have nothing to do with us – Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria. You have acted as cheerleaders for aggressive neo-con interference which has benefited only radical Islamists but has destroyed societies, while costing British taxpayers billions of pounds. Now the target is Russia.
Members know full well that the so-called Ukrainian revolution was manufactured with everything from the agitprop to the snipers provided from the USA and the EU. We all know the root of the tough Russian reaction is aggressive NATO expansionism, first into Poland, next into Ukraine. Yet you persist in irresponsible sabre-rattling in someone else’s natural sphere of influence.
It is said that in 1914, Europe sleepwalked into war. This time you are heading there with eyes wide open. The basic choice is war or peace. You seem hell-bent on war, so remember: whatever excuses you manufacture, plotting an aggressive war is itself a crime.5
Debates: Thursday, 17 April 2014 – Strasbourg
13.3. Situation in North Korea
Nick Griffin (NI). – Mr President, we all agree that the Communist regime in North Korea is an undemocratic shame. What are we to make of a regime that jails its opponents on trumped-up charges and keeps them in prison, even when the political motivation for it is tape-recorded and exposed? What are we to make of a regime that claims to hold free and fair elections, but then arrests its opponents to stop them collecting and delivering the 300,000 signatures they need to stand?
If it happened in North Korea you would rightly condemn it, but the victims in my first example are Greeks, and in my second, Italians. Because the systematic police repression of Forza Nuova activists has happened there in the last 24 hours. So stop whining about North Korea, as it is totally hypocritical unless you also stand for the right of European electors to choose Golden Dawn or Forza Nuova if they so wish.
You have no power at all to change North Korea, vile though the Communist regime there undoubtedly is, but you could order your backyard occupation puppet regimes to restore democracy in Greece and Italy this afternoon. People in glass houses should not throw stones.6
1. 5. Programme of activities of the Greek Presidency (debate), European Parliament, Strasbourg, 15 January 2014
2. 17. Programme of activities of the Greek Presidency (debate), European Parliament, Strasbourg, 15 January 2014
3. 14. Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund (general provisions) – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – Internal Security Fund (Police cooperation, preventing and combating crime and crisis management) – Internal Security Fund (External borders and visas) (debate), European Parliament, Strasbourg, 12 March 2014
4. 14. Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund (general provisions) – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – Internal Security Fund (Police cooperation, preventing and combating crime and crisis management) – Internal Security Fund (External borders and visas) (debate), European Parliament, Strasbourg, 12 March 2014
5. 4. Main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy and the common security and defence policy (Article 36 TEU) – EU comprehensive approach and coherence of EU external action (debate), European Parliament, Brussels, 3 April 2014
6. 13.3. Situation in North Korea, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 17 April 2014
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